Anche in questa edizione il CTI è presente con tre momenti
15.45-17.45 Aemilia Hotel, Salottino Carducci
Theo-bloggers? Talking about God on Web
Rita Torti, Coordinamento Teologhe Italiane
Comment and critical reflection, readiness and depth belong to a blog/ ethics that doesn’t ignore the most sensitive themes of our time. Two blogs of the revue Il Regno on line develop these dimensions: Moralia, edited by the Italian Theological Association for Moral Studies (ATISM) and Il Regno delle Donne, edited by the Italian Women Theologians Network (CTI). This panel Intends to reflect on the potentials, limits and challenges of this kind of communication.
Chair: Maria Elisabetta Gandolfi (Il Regno)
• Paola Springhetti (Pontificia Università Salesiana), Divulgation is a Virtue. Connecting research to community life
• Simone Morandini (Fondazione Lanza, Centro Studi in Etica), Ethics in cyberspace
• Rita Torti (Coordinamento Teologhe Italiane), Making a blog ’in gender’
• Pierdavide Guenzi (Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Settentrionale), From de quodlibet to blog. Evolution of a communication pattern
Language: Italian (with English abstracts)
13.30-15.30 Palazzo Poggi, Sala Carducci
Women in ministry. Protestants and Catholics in dialogue
Elizabeth Green, Pastora battista / Letizia Tomassone, Facoltà Valdese di Teologia
The acceptance of women into ordained ministry in Protestant churches has changed the shape of communication, government and membership within the church. It poses important ecumenical questions, also encouraging men in the churches to develop a greater awareness of their own partiality. In this panel we will analyze the results gained thus far in the context of the Protestant churches in Italy and their impact on the ecumenical dialogue with Catholic women theologians.
• Letizia Tomassone (Facoltà Valdese di Teologia), Ministre per matrimonio o ministre in proprio? il ruolo delle mogli di pastori nel protestantesimo
• Elizabeth Green (Pastora battista), Pastorato femminile, teologia, femminismo
• Maria Bonafede (Pastora valdese), Pastorato femminile e istituzione (governo della chiesa, a livello locale e nazionale, autorità)
Language: Italian (with English abstracts)
15.45-17.45 Palazzo Poggi, Sala Carducci
Women in ministry. Protestants and Catholics in dialogue
Elizabeth Green, Pastora battista / Letizia Tomassone, Facoltà Valdese di Teologia
The acceptance of women into ordained ministry in Protestant churches has changed the shape of communication, government and membership within the church. It poses important ecumenical questions, also encouraging men in the churches to develop a greater awareness of their own partiality. In this panel we will analyze the results gained thus far in the context of the Protestant churches in Italy and their impact on the ecumenical dialogue with Catholic women theologians.
• Alessandra Trotta (Diacona valdese), Diacone
• Erika Tomassone (Pastora valdese), Storia del pastorato femminile in Italia
• Lidia Maggi (Pastora battista), Ministero femminile e Scrittura
Language: Italian (with English abstracts)