Assisi 2012: Call for Papers and Registration Update

Assisi 2012: Call for Papers and Registration Update

As witnessed at the recent Fifth Ecclesiological Investigations Annual International Conference in Dayton, Ohio, there is a great deal of excitement  and hope being generated by the forthcoming gathering in Assisi next year and already some of the leading names in the world of ecclesiology, ecumenism and inter-faith dialogue have agreed to take part.

With limited spaces available for this event, to avoid disappointment please register without delay. Once we reach the capacity for the venue no further registrations can be accepted.

Call for Papers update: If you have not already submitted a proposal for the parallel sessions and wish to have a paper or poster proposal considered for inclusion, the Organizing Committee will be reviewing recent submissions and the composition of thematic parallel sessions in the coming period so do send your abstract and details in as soon as possible to be sure they can be accommodated in the program. Again, once we reach capacity as dictated by the number of meeting rooms at the venue, no further submissions can be accepted.